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Green Hammerton Church of England Primary School

'Dream Believe Achieve'

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All children who attend Green Hammerton Church of England Primary School are unique and special. It is the duty of all members of staff to recognise and nurture the strengths and talents of every child. We strive to help every child develop their full potential academically, socially and spiritually.


This page gives information about how we support children with Special Educational Needs. If you would like any further information please contact Jo Bennison, our school SENCO or Mrs Rebecca Jackson our SEN Governor through the School Office. A link to the school's contact details are below.  At the bottom of the contact details page there is also a link to contact the SENCO.


Your support for your child’s education is crucial to their progress. Please tell us if there are any adjustments we need to make to help you support your child, for example letters in large font; letters in different languages; wheelchair access; explaining things over the phone; a discussion with a school colleague of the same gender.


All schools are required to publish a link to the SEN 'local offer'.  This is a link to the range of services provided by North Yorkshire County Council.
