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Green Hammerton Church of England Primary School

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Class 3 Hedgehogs

On this page you will find current information and news from Hedgehogs Class. 


Meet The Team


This year, our class is a mixture of Year 3 and Year 4 children.



 Mrs Parker - Class Teacher


"I love reading books, travelling and spending time with my family.

I have a black Labrador called Luna, who I enjoy exploring with."


Our Learning


Below are copies of our class newsletters, which outline our learning each half term.


Home Learning


Below are copies of our half-termly home learning. 


Year 4 Multiplication CheckHedgehog Class PE Days

In year 4, all children complete a multiplication check in June.  

This is a statutory assessment, with 25 timed questions from 

2 X 2 to 12 X 12. 

You can help your child to prepare for this by encouraging them to practice their times tables

on TT Rockstars or maths frame. 

Our PE days in Spring 1 are:

Tuesday and Friday


Please ensure full kit is worn to school on these days and all jewellery is removed. Thank you. 

