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Green Hammerton Church of England Primary School

'Dream Believe Achieve'

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If you would like your child to attend our school, please see details of our admission arrangements below. Admissions are managed for the school by North Yorkshire County Council. We welcome visits from prospective families.  Please contact Mrs Barker in the School Office by email or telephone 01423 330314 to arrange an appointment. 

Children start in Reception the year in which they are 5. They can join our nursery as soon as they are 3 and we can offer flexible sessions and wrap around care.

How to Apply for a Reception Place to Start September 2025

Preschool admissions policy

Admissions for parents/carers unable to apply online

If you are unable to access the internet or have poor reception in your area, paper copies are available on request. Please be aware that if you apply using the paper copy, notification of a school place will be posted 2nd class on National Offer Day which, allowing for postal times, means that you will find out your allocation a day or two later than online applicants.

There are a number of benefits to applying online:

  • it is quick, safe and secure
  • it is available 24/7
  • you can use a computer, a tablet or your mobile phone
  • you will receive an electronic acknowledgement once you have submitted your application
  • you will be able to find out which school your child has been offered on national offer day

Free access to the internet is available at all North Yorkshire libraries. Find your local library.

If you need help completing the school application form, or cannot complete it online and need a paper copy, please contact school admissions.
