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Green Hammerton Church of England Primary School

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Welcome to our Governors' section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor. A Register of Governor Business Interests is also published below. 


Mr Martin Simpson is our Chair of Governors. He can be contacted through the school office. 



We currently have a vacancy on our board for a Local Authority governor.  The title of this governor role can be slightly misleading: it does not mean that the person filling the role should work for the Local Authority.  The title is slightly historical and comes from a time when a Local Authority governor was appointed by the local councillor.  The role can be filled by any person who has an interest in becoming a governor and ideally they will bring a fresh perspective to the work of the Governing Body.  If you are interested in joining the Governing Body of our school, please contact the Chair of Governors via the school office and we will be able to provide more information about the role.   



Name of governor and

area of responsibility


Martin Simpson

Safeguarding governor

Chair of governors

Foundation / SIAMS

Curriculum Committee

Start date 20.2.2017

End date 14.02.2025

Claire Surtees

Phonics and Reading

Health and Safety

Vice Chair of Governors


Resources Committee

Start Date 23.6.2016

End Date 22.6.2026

Rebecca Jackson

SEND, Pupil Premium

and attendance


Chair of Resources Committee

Start Date 17.04.2024

End Date 17.04.2027

Rev Sarah Feaster


Collective Worship


Also Governor at Marton-cum-Grafton

C of E Primary School

Start Date 5.7.2018

End Date 5.7.2025

Charlotte Walker 


Co-opted by governors

Resources committee

Start date 28.03.23

End date 23.03.27

Ian Scott


Co-opted by governors

Resources Committee

Start date 07.12.2021

End date 07.12.2025

Alex Jones


Parent Governor

Resources committee

Start date 20/09/2023

End date 20/09/2027

Emily Penticost



Parent Governor

Curriculum committee

Start date 20/09/2023

End date 20/09/2027

Rachael Holloway

Elected by staff

Curriculum Committee

Start date 03.11.20

End date 03.11.24

Davinia PearsonHeadteacher Start Date 01.01.24
Sally WaltersClerk to Governors 

Register of governor interests

Departures from the Governing Body within the last 12 months



Name Type of governorStart dateEnd date
Claire Greenwood


EYFS Governor



Governor Attendance at Meetings
