At Green Hammerton, we aim to develop a love of number and the aspiration to solve problems. We have a strong emphasis on Mathematical reasoning. This involves thinking through mathematical problems logically in order to arrive at solutions. It also involves being able to identify what is important and unimportant in solving a problem and to explain or justify a solution.
As Mathematics is such an important life skill, we are embracing the new curriculum in a way that equips our children with the skills necessary for life outside the classroom. We use real life situations in order to develop their problem solving capabilities, and we aim to provide creative and challenging lessons in the classroom, with an emphasis on using practical equipment to support this.
In order to further promote enjoyment and to support progress, the children experience the use of technology in lessons - with every class having access to I-Pads, Smart boards and Chrome Books. The school also subscribes to 'Times Table Rockstars', a hugely popular home learning tool that encourages our pupils to continue to develop their mathematical skills outside of school.
In EYFS, children access daily maths provision, directed by an adult within the setting. This may be whole class or groups. This includes number rhymes, songs and games, as well as specific maths concepts and activities. Opportunities to practice new skills through play is encouraged in the different areas of provision. For example, loose parts, outdoors, kippers toybox, small world, modelling, playdough, art, water and constructions area. These are used as enhancements to areas of learning.
Our ‘EYFS and Y1 Maths Progression Document’ shows our calculation methods (through concrete and pictorial representations) and states the mathematical vocabulary to be introduced and revisited throughout.
KS1 and KS2
In KS1 and KS2, children have the opportunity to build competency by following the CPA approach.
Concrete (make it)
Children have the opportunity to work with physical objects/ concrete resources, in order to bring the maths to life and to build understanding of what they are doing.
Pictorial (see it)
Alongside concrete resources, children work with pictorial representations, making links to the concrete. Visualising a problem in this way can help children to reason and to solve problems. Children will move from concrete equipment to sketching representations and then on to familiar drawn models, such as bar models and part-whole models.
Abstract (write it)
With the support of both the concrete and pictorial representations, children develop their understanding of abstract methods. They move on from pictorial representations to using digits, numbers, fractions, operations and the like to form column operations or number sentences.
Our ‘Progression through calculation guidance’ shows our calculation methods from Y1-Y6 (concrete, pictorial and abstract representations) and states the mathematical vocabulary to be introduced and revisited throughout.
Mastering Number Programme
This year, Green Hammerton is taking part in the Mastering Number Programme. The project aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children, from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2.
The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. Attention will be given to key knowledge and understanding needed in Reception and progression through KS1, to support success in the future.
Times Tables Rock Stars Day (November 2023)
The day began with a buzz of anticipation as pupils and staff embraced their inner rock stars, dressing up in vibrant and creative Rockstar outfits, complete with accessories and creative hairstyles/wigs! The pupils were full of energy and enthusiasm, setting the stage for a memorable day of maths and times tables!
In our assembly, we kicked off TT Rockstars Day with a bang. We highlighted the significance of times tables and the role they play in building a strong foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts. The pupils were inspired and ready to dive into a day filled with engaging activities. Throughout the day, each class delved into various hands-on activities to reinforce their times tables proficiency.
We held a TT Rockstar tournament between the houses, so children were very motivated to earn points for their team!
TT Rockstars Day at Green Hammerton School was a huge amount of fun. We celebrated the power of times tables, mathematics, and the joy of learning together. It was a day where we rocked the maths world, leaving a lasting impact on our students’ educational journey. We were reminded of the importance of making learning fun, engaging, and memorable. TT Rockstars Day empowered our students to embrace mathematics with confidence and enthusiasm.
A parent told us, “Our boys had a great day and claimed it was his best EVER day at school!”
A Y5 pupil reported, “I’ve loved today. It’s been so exciting as well as helping me learn my times tables.”
“I love TT Rockstars, I’m going to play it at home now and get better,” stated by a Y2 pupil (new to TT Rockstars).
Looking forward, we’re excited to continue nurturing a love for maths and inspiring our pupils to reach new mathematical heights. TT Rockstar’s Day will forever be etched in our memories as a day where we came together, rocked the maths world, and proved that learning can be an unforgettable adventure.
Useful Website Links for Maths