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Green Hammerton Church of England Primary School

'Dream Believe Achieve'

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Open the Book

Revd. Sarah is leading a project called Open the Book where community members tell Bible stories through drama in Collective worship in school. On Saturday 26th January a team of volunteers from the churches in our parish met with the York Youth Church (Yo-Yo) team to learn about the project. The teams will then lead Collective Worship in the schools in our parish. This was a wonderful opportunity for our churches to work on a joint project and we look forward to their first presentation.

On Tuesday 5th March the Yo-Yo team led a day of workshops and Collective Worship in school focusing on Lent. Some members of the Open the book team visited to see the project in action.

On Thursday 11th April we had our first Open the Book Worship. Five members of the team bravely acted out the Palm Sunday story from the Lion Story Teller Bible. The children had made palm leaves with Mr Atkinson in the morning and used them during the story. This was such a fun way to share the story and we are very much looking forward to the next one!
